Bookkeeping advice and services

Free Consultation

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Free Consultation

Bookkeeping services for small businesses

We offer a Free financial Health Check for your business and look at strategies to help improve it.

In your first session, we cover all the points listed below. You will learn valuable and important information about your business helping you understand where your business stands today, what's coming up and what you need to do or should work on.

And all this is FREE. 

What we will cover in this session:

Are You Making A Profit?
Are you making money on everything you sell or do. 

Is Revenues growing?
Do you have positive and growing revenues year on year? Observe how your business performs over designated periods of time. If the business is seasonal, it’s important to know how the business performs during the busy and slow periods.

Cash Flow Forecasts
Need to know how much money is coming and going out

Managing Debt
Are your customers paying you on time. If you are struggling with cash flow, a look at who owes you money and how long it takes to be paid can possibly save your business. Check if your best customers are still spending the same amounts as in previous financial periods.

Your own debt
Making sure you’re on top of your own bills. How quickly you pay can affect the relationship you have with your suppliers

Is anything big coming up?
Are you aware of any big financial issues that could be looming in the future. Issues such as GST/PAYG, Income tax, Superannuation, workcover.

Knowing your breakeven point
It’s essential to know how much you need to sell to break even

Sales Performance
It’s important to monitor your sales performance on a monthly basis

Is your marketing spend reaping benefits

Is the cost of your team proving effective. Is salaries/wages too high in relation to revenue

Highlight potential weaknesses
Point the business in the direction of help and support

Spot new opportunities
Highlight growth areas in your business or other areas

Do you have right Systems?
Do you have systems or apps that can help run your business more efficiently


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